Lego Superheroes Can Save the Day Anytime

cool wolverine superhero lego art

There is a think about Superheroes that strikes fear in bad guys and gets kids excited everytime, and when they are made out of Legos’…well, now that is a masterpiece of art.

Created by Angus MacClane, here a few CubeDudes from his enormous collection of Lego Superheroes. I don’t know about you, but they look just as I remember them from the Comic Books.


cool thor superhero lego art

He has so many Superheroes to look at in his collection that include Wolverine, Iron Man, Batman, Spiderman, Hellboy, Cyclops, the Flash, Green Lantern, Storm, Thor, Wonder Woman, Nightcrawler, Colossus and much more. Moreover, he has Star Wars characters as well, Mr. T from the A-Team, the Ninja Turtles, Transformers characters, Movie dudes and so much more.

I guess some geeks may not be able to draw Superheroes and find other ways to make them look just amazing.

Via: ComicsAlliance