Marvel Superheroes Ski Masks Make Great Halloween Mask Alternatives

wolverine ski mask

Many children and adults love Comic Superheroes and would love to dress up just like them, and now there is a simple and easy way to do so with the cool Superhero ski masks of your favorite characters.

spiderman mask


punisher ski mask

Arriving in six separate versions, the comic superhero masks are a great option as a Halloween Mask that could keep you warm during this fall season and also disguise your face from your arch rivals.

hulk ski mask

Now a Superhero fan could wear a ski mask of Wolverine, Spiderman, The Punisher, Captain America, Iron Man or even the Incredible Hulk. A few things you must remember though…these Ski Masks will not grant any Supernatural powers, and the actual Superheroes would not condone if it is used to rob any liquor stores or banks. Each individual Superhero mask runs for $20 which is a small price to pay to look absolutely amazing (and goofy).

iron man ski mask

captain america ski mask

Via: Fashionably Geek