Mini Steampunk “Ray Gun” style Coilgun

Nick Thatcher from the UK is an expert in making Coilgun and most of his pieces are great. This time, he introduces a mini (pistol sized) steampunk Ray gun style Coilgun. This Coilgun is for sure small, but has the same potential as his older Coilgun. Let’s go on to the technical specifications to know more about the gun…

– The gun is 15cm long, 6 cm wide and 8.5 cm high


– It is capable of firing 2.5 cm long and .5cm wide projectile

– It has 5 photoflash capacitors. They are hooked up in parallel and are charged to 300v.

– It can be plugged into the Power Core which adds 12 more capacitors to it

– It can be plugged into the standard charge unit but should be unplugged before firing

– It consists of a mahogany grip with logos.

According to Nick, his previous gun had a built in charger which eventually made the gun heavier. But, in this mini Coilgun he has saved space and has improved on the looks. So, to charge this gun you will simply need to plug it into the holster. Once your gun is charged you can remove the holster and fire. Also, there will be a charging cable that would be capable of being attached with the gun even when you are firing.

If you don’t really know what a Coilgun is, then read the description here…

A Coilgun is basically a kind of electromagnetic accelerator which utilizes high voltage in order to accelerate magnetic projectile. There are numerous ways of delivering the high voltage, however the most common method is through capacitors. It is simple – the capacitors are first charged up and the discharged by a coil of magnet wire which is wrapped around the non-magnetic core.

This discharging high voltage from the capacitors induces a strong magnetic field pull to the projectile right into the center of the coil. However, it is important here that the magnetic field should be turned off once the projectile touches the center of the coil. If it is not turned off, it will stop right there and then!

Check out some more guns here: The LED Mini Coilgun and District 9 Arc Gun.