RC Inflatable R2-D2: First Bladez Star Wars Pump and Play Toy

The remote controlled inflatable R2-D2 is meant to be the first in the Bladez Star Wars Pump & Play range, with hopefully many more to follow.

This year’s Toy Fair, which was held in London, spoiled Star Wars fans a lot, as at least R2-D2, if not other characters from the space opera, was seen in various sizes and with different functions.


Bladez Toyz, a toy manufacturer that specializes in remote controlled helicopters, as the name of the company hints, has recently signed a contract with Lucasfilm and thus gained the rights to make toys inspired by the movie characters. While still remote controlled, there is a twist to these toys. They will be inflatable and the range will be intuitively called Bladez Star Wars Play & Pump. The first one in the range is the RC inflatable R2-D2 that was spotted at Toy Fair.

As seen in the above video, the inflatable R2-D2 is capable of moving around pretty much like a RC car. In fact, the locomotory mechanism does not differ that much from a car. At Toy Fair, the first Bladez Star Wars Pump & Play was skillfully remote controlled by a princess Leia look-alike, who also took the time for taking pictures with the inflatable robot. Star Wars fans who were lucky enough to visit Toy Fair were thus given the opportunity of making new memories, as nowadays, princess Leia and R2-D2 are not seen together so often. While the RC R2-D2 measures 65 cm (26 inches) in height when inflated properly, the version of princess Leia seen at Toy Fair 2012 was much taller than the original, but probably the heels are to blame for that. The one in the movies would have had a hard time running away from the Imperial Guards and from her daddy in high-heeled shoes.

It will be interesting to see what other toys Bladez intends to include in this range. However, R2-D2 was probably the easiest to implement, as most of the other characters are bipedal. Jabba the Hutt is another character from the saga that could be easily turned into a remote controlled inflatable toy.

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