The Rocky Sound System: Eye Candy for Music Lovers!

You could be somebody who is absolutely tone deaf or somebody who cannot break out into song without a couple of cats dying. Well, The Rocky Sound System is the one for you irrespective of whether you’re the next aspiring Whitney Houston or if you don’t have a musical bone in your body because let’s admit it, everybody loves music in some form or the other!The Rocky Sound System 4

Gone are the days when you listened to music in those boring and ordinary looking stereos or MP3 players! Why you ask? Because the Rocky Sound System isn’t any old music box. Designed and appropriately named by Paul Custodio, this Sound System resembles a beautiful sculpture at first glance and is ideal and perfectly fits in a home where a lot of modern décor is present. This Sound System, which must be mounted on a wall, not only looks like something that has just escaped from an art gallery but is a perfectly equipped and extremely innovative music system with surround sound and wireless speakers. The speakers can be placed around the house individually or in your living room to look like another piece of modern art. Another bonus feature is that you don’t have to lift a finger while using this innovative system as it is operated by a remote control to change tracks or the volume.


The Rocky Sound System 2

The Rocky Sound System, combines art and music  and is the best looking and most incredible sounding music system yet, a must have in any home!

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Via: The Design Blog