Darth Shakespeare Finds Thy Lack of Faith Disturbing

Conspiracy theorists like to believe that William Shakespeare didn’t contribute one word to the works bearing his name. If that’s true, then you can add one more play to the ones he didn’t write: Star Wars.

A couple of years ago, a list of Shakespearean insults was spotted on the dark side of the Internet and went viral faster than you can say “Hell is empty and all the devils are here.” Now it’s time for Shakespeare’s Star Wars to get some recognition.

The book written by Ian Doescher is an exercise in imagination. In 176 pages, the author tries to figure out how George Lucas’ space saga would have sounded if it were written by the great bard. Needless to say, the whole thing is a parody, as Luke Skywalker and his villain daddy are caught speaking in true Elizabethan dialect.

Since the book also features illustration of the Star Wars characters in Shakespearean poses, it’s more than clear that the parody goes well beyond the dialogue. For example, in the follow image, Luke Skywalker is depicted holding in his right hand the helmet (and probably also the skull) of a Stormtrooper, pretty much the same way Hamlet is holding Yorick’s skull in his hands while asking THE question: “To be or not to be?”

Paris-based artist Nicolas Delort is credited in the book for doing the illustrations, so we can draw the conclusion that Doescher only took care of the text. Pictured below is the famous scene from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope when Luke and C3-PO watch a hologram of Princess Leia projected on the floor by R2-D2.

The attraction that Luke feels for who he’ll later find out that is his sister is described pretty much in the same way Romeo falls in love with Juliette.

Are you still wondering who shot first? Well, this book might not offer you the answer, but it can remind you of the Cantina Band.

Darth Vader is pictured on the cover of the book since… well, the entire saga is practically about him. Don’t fret, you’ll get the chance of seeing him again. For instance, in one of the illustrations, he is pictured watching a burning Death Star.

Last, but not least, we get to see Darth Vader using the Force to asphyxiate General Motti. Who said that it’s not right to use sorcery in a Shakespearean play?

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