7 Awesome Star Wars: The Force Awakens T-Shirts for Kids

One of the best things about being a Star Wars fan is passing the passion for it to the next generation, which makes these awesome t-shirts, sweatshirts and other forms of kids clothing for boys & girls, featuring The Force Awakens heroes and bad guys, so useful when your’e trying to bring them up the right way.

Amazon has a pretty awesome sale (30% off or more) on Star Wars kids shirts, which is a big collection you can browse yourself that includes stuff that isn’t exclusively from Episode VII. We picked out our favorites from the new movie, with Kylo Ren, Rey, BB-8 and more making appearances.

There Has Been an Awakening T-Shirt



There are quite a few awesome lines in the new Star Wars film. My personal favorite? There has been an awakening in the force, uttered by Supreme leader Snoke, who we don’t know a whole lot about. It sounds awesome, and it makes an awesome T-Shirt with a masked Kylo Ren “endorsing” it. Available for $13.99.

BB-8 Girls T-Shirt

BB-8 Girls T-shirt

If anyone deserves a T-Shirt all on his own, it’s BB-8, who might be the most important asset the resistance have besides anyone who wields the force, besides being a master in giving thumbs up when necessary .Available for $18.99.

Kylo Ren Tearing S*** Up Boys T-Shirt

Star Wars Kylo Ren T-Shirt

There’s no doubt Kylo Ren makes for an interesting twist on the usual Star Wars Sith villain, and while he still isn’t the complete, fearsome warrior we’re used to, at least he has a bad ass sword. Available from $10.90, depending on the size.

BB-8 & Rey Girls T-Shirt

Rey & BB-8 Girls T-Shirt

There’s a lot of new stuff to digest in the latest Star Wars film, but the two most easily connectable and popular characters go together well on the same T-Shirt. Available for $13.99.

Star Wars The Force Awakens Dark Side Boys T-Shirt

Star Wars The Force Awakens Dark Side T-Shirt

While the Dark Side isn’t more appealing to root for when you’re watching a Star Wars film, they usually have cooler T-Shirts, like this black & red fiery one featuring Kylo Ren and his lightsaber. Available for $13.99.

Star Wars Episode VII Girls Long Sleeve Shirt

Star Wars Pink Long Sleeve Girls Shirt

Maybe the coolest of the collection in my opinion, this ‘The Force Awakens’ shirt combines all of the new Resistance characters we encounter (Poe, Finn, Rey) and also Chewbacca, without Han next to him (I wonder why…). Available for $21.99, and it also comes with black sleeves for those who just can’t stand looking too pink.

Star Wars The Force Awakens Evil T-Shirt

Star Wars Evil T-Shirt

The dark side isn’t evil. It’s just misunderstood. Or maybe I haven’t understood the whole concept of this space opera? Nevermind, it’s a bad-ass shirt, evil or not. Available from $5.23, depending on size.

Star Wars Millennium Falcon Boys T-Shirt

Star Wars Millennium Falcon T-Shirt

There are a lot of familiar ships popping up all over Episode VII: X-Wing fighters, T-Fighters and also star destroyers. But there’s nothing better than the moment we meet the Millennium Falcon after such a long time, and it also looks better than other options on shirts. Available for $13.99.

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