6 Things You Didn’t Know About HTML5

HTML5 is the next big thing in programming, and it’s been a long time coming since its predecessor, HTML4, has been around since 1997. After more than 10 years, Hyper Text Markup Language is finally getting a revamp that promises to integrate important features, such as responsive design and multimedia. Whether you’re a professional coder or an amateur web designer, there are some things you must know about the new evolution.

It Makes Plugins Obsolete


Image via Flickr by Ted Drake

One of the reasons HTML5 is so necessary is due to the lack of Flash functionality on many mobile devices. Lots of websites rely on Flash plugins and animations, however, which means that people who use mobile phones and tablets to browse the Internet aren’t getting the full experience. Flash will still have its uses, but functionality on mobile devices won’t really matter. Designers can instead embed their audio and videos without plugins. All they need are HTML tags.

It Promotes Responsive Design

Since audio, video, and other animations will use HTML coding instead of more complicated plugins, HTML5 will make it easier to create responsive design for any type of website. This is good news for anyone interested in logo design, web layout, or animation. Mobile devices are quickly becoming the preferred mode of browsing for many people, this is particularly crucial. It means that more, if not all, sites will look the same on phones and tablets as they do on computers.

It’s More Compatible with More Browsers


Image via Flickr by YourGeekGuy

With the exception of certain browsers, such as Internet Explorer, HTML5 is fully compatible across more browsers. Popular browsers, such as Opera, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari, will see full integration thanks to the new language. This makes for much easier designing as well as smoother browsing across different platforms, which is also important on mobile devices.

It Won’t Make You Update as Often

Because Flash will phase out with the use of HTML5, frequent updates are no longer a concern. Since it comes straight through the coding, downloading new versions isn’t really necessary. Designers and coders will simply have to update some of their HTML, if that. The new version will also run backward, meaning that websites that still run off HTML4 won’t have to change or undergo any updates.

It’s Getting Killer Contributions


Image via Flickr by holzman

One of the best things about HTML5 is that it is completely open source. That means that you won’t have to pay to use it, which is incredibly beneficial. In fact, you can even make your own contributions and read it without paying a dime. Since it’s an open source project, it’s also receiving truly innovative contributions from some of the biggest developmental geniuses. They’re bringing their best ideas and designers will reap the advantages.

You Can Use It Before 2022

People are somewhat worried by the knowledge that HTML5 won’t become fully finished until 2022. They’re under the impression that they won’t get to use it until then. That’s not true at all. Many components of HTML5 are already being used on top-notch websites, and you can use them too. The total package will take a while to complete, certainly, but many of the best aspects are already completed and ready to use.

HTML5 is already changing the face of coding and web designing. What aspects or rumors excite you the most?