Twitter Announces 100 Million Active Users, New Features

Twitter CEO Dick Costolo just announced that there are more than 100 million active Twitter users around the globe who not only share their thoughts, but use it to tune into what is happening around the world.

The growth has been astonishing despite the PR propagated social media wars and the apparent competitors trying to indulge in anti-competition practices. However, none of those stopped Twitter from registering 50 million footfalls every day. Search Engine Land reported that though this number seems big, Facebook has more than 750 million active users worldwide. LinkedIn too, recently announced that it has more than 100 million users worldwide but the company couldn’t confirm how many of them were actively using the professional networking service. Twitter also revealed that 400 million people came to Twitter just to read tweets, though they did not create any content themselves.


This also suggests that Twitter is not just about creating content and sharing it, but is turning out to be a formidable content consuming destination as well. One must remember that comparing services like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn will not help anyone and each are quite mutually exclusive. When Google+ was launched, people immediately chimed that the 3 major sites would no longer be able to survive, but on the contrary, al the 3 of them have reported increasing number of users and visitors. Perhaps, though social media change every day, people still like a semblance of stability and prefer staying in spaces that are familiar to them.

Online spaces where they have invested much of their virtual time almost becomes their virtual home, and to get them to a different and new space can be a tad difficult. That being said, increasing numbers of new registrations sent in all the 3 major networking sites is something that is truly astonishing. Meanwhile, twitter has been teasing us with details about a ‘New Twitter‘ in which they would collaborate with the likes of Kiva, TwitPic, YFrog, Flickr, DeviantArt and others to bring the latest in art, music, images, video and of course news. It really would be intriguing to see how Twitter fares in the next few weeks. Meanwhile, you could read about how Twitter began to add Instream Advertising.