The Valentine Turntable is Red, Stylish and Every DJ’s Dream!

Ever spent sleepless nights worrying about the perfect gift to get for just that special someone on Valentine’s Day? Well, have no fear, because the sophisticated and innovative Valentine Turntable is here! If your boyfriend or girlfriend is a DJ, you can forget about the jewelry and CDs as presents for Valentine’s Day. nstead,the very talented  Ettore Soltsass has created this crimson masterpiece, custom made for your music lover, which promises to make his or her day extra special.

The Valentine Turntable is Red, Stylish and Every DJ’s Dream!

This Valentine Turntable by Elodie Delassus, which comes in crimson red and has revolutionized turntable technology, is no ordinary turntable, which is traditionally used for beat mixing, scratching, and beat juggling, but includes special features like speakers, an audio jack and a USB port. Another feature which set it apart and makes it way more superior to a regular turntable is that it uses the now, widely accepted and ground breaking touchscreen technology.


The Valentine Turntable is Red, Stylish and Every DJ’s Dream! (3)

However, while all these features are absolutely awesome, nothing can beat this mind-blowing feature which makes this product a cut above the rest:  The Valentine Turntable has a storage box which allows not only greater accessibility but greater portability as well. In a nutshell, it functions not only as a musical device but also as a solution to storage problem.

The Valentine Turntable is Red, Stylish and Every DJ’s Dream! (2)

So, If you’re looking for a heart- stopping present, free from clichés and adds a very personal touch which is sure to earn you brownie points with your partner, look no further!

Now that your heart has stopped beating, look out for the Heart Shaped Cake, Cupcakes and Cookies.