Exchanging Dog Poo for Free Wi-Fi

Either the world is getting crazier and crazier, or ad companies just get more creative and actually better. The latest insane idea to help clean up our world, or to be more exact, Mexico City? Exchange Dog Poo for free Wi-Fi time.

Ad agency DDB teamed up with Mexican Internet Portal Terra in an attempt to clean up the parks of Mexico City from Dog droppings and other foul odored objects and materials by rewarding those who make an effort to clean up after their pets.

Pet owners pick up the mess their dogs left and then go to a special weighing spot where they drop the bag in a box that calculates the amount of free wi-fi that should be given according to the weight.

People, being people, find ways to scam the system, who doesn’t mind being scammed. Instead of giving laxitives to their dogs every two hours, people just dumb bags full of non-dog related garbage. The initiative doesn’t mind. As long as the City and its parks are getting cleaner, the more the merrier.

I’m almost surprised this idea wasn’t thought up already by some Sci-Fi writer in the 1930’s and 1940’s. Those guys, somehow, knew how to predict the future. But no one ever thought dog turds would become a currency for web surfing time.