Money for your broken iPod

Do you have a broken iPod? Why not get paid for it? Instead of it taking space or throwing it away, there are two amazing services I have found, who are willing to take it off your hands and pay you.

The first one is called and it follows 3 easy steps:

  1. Describe your iPod and get an instant quote
  2. Fill in payment information and ship the iPod to them
  3. Within 24 hours of reception, you get paid by either PayPal or sent in mail

Working iPods get an average of $100 (ranging between $10-$330). A broken one averages $30 (ranging between $2-$216).

The second service was launched by, an e-commerce site primarily selling Apple gear. They offer a flat fee of $20 credit for use on their online store for your old or broken iPods. Although the second option seems less appealing, in some cases it may be a better one. With this option shipping costs are paid by, unlike where shipping costs are paid by you.

Via Techcrunch, Picture by opspin (Creative Commons)