For The City: Environment Friendly and Stackable Rental Cars

Why search for parking for hours in a crowded place with our cars when there is an environment friendly, electric mini car that is easily rented, driven and parked.

When I visited Belgium last year, I saw a number of spots where bicycles were stationed next to each other. This service brought by Cyclocity, provides sturdy and comfortable bicycles to be rented by tourists and others every hour and day of the week. These were placed in different strategic places in Brussels, and it was very nice to see different people using this service instead of taking a car, taxi, or bus.

Especially in large cities that are highly congested, driving your car sometimes just doesn’t pay off. Finding parking, paying for gas, and time spent for the two can sometimes be a burden.


The MIT Media Lab Group, Smart Cities, is currently developing an electric CITY CAR, which will enrich our lives, change mass transit, and help reduce pollution. It is being tested and further developed in New York City. If you have visited NYC you probably know how parking and transportation there is a never ending dilemma.

The concept of these cars is similar to the shopping carts at your local super market: easy, convenient, and space efficient. These are to be ‘stacked’ behind one another in convenient and prime locations. By being stacked, they take up less space and are able to be provided for more individuals. The City Car has space for two and is strong enough to take a trip around the city with it.

So how does it stack up? A part of the car stands up in order for the one behind it to stack up straight against it (also charging the electric motor). A group of six or eight of the City Cars would occupy approximately one conventional space. The design of the car is based on a “robot wheel” that holds the motor, suspension and steering.

These little cars look so fun to drive and park, I hope to try them out one day.

Stackable Rental Car

Via: Engadget