Coffee Cup Car Lighter Power Inverter Will Make Traveling Geeks Happy


All new gadgets lovers and others would love this coffee cup power inverter, for it gives a great practical and cool looking solution to charging your gadgets while in your car.

We have so many different portable gadgets that include PDA’s, camcorders, digital cameras and more. We usually love them all and enjoy taking them on family trips, but unfortunately sometimes their power cannot keep up with us. And this is how such useful chargers as this coffee cup inverter come in extremely handy.



Instead of trying to find all the different adapters for our gizmos and gadgets, so we could charge them using the car lighter, this power inverter makes it simple. The coffee cup looking inverter connects to the car light as you would expect, and provides two separate AC plugs and a USB port. This actually means you can charge up to three gadgets at one time, without messing with awful adapters and spending all the extra money.

This specific coffee cup charger costs only $29.99 at and gives a great alternative for traveling geeks. If you are looking for a smaller solution, then check out the previous Car Charger USB, which is a USB port that plugs straight into the car lighter to keep your USB gadgets powered and ready for use.

Practical and handy gadget solutions really do it for me!
