New iTunes 9.0.1 Update Download Available From Apple

The new iTunes 9 was just released 2 weeks ago, but Apple has already released a newer iTunes 9.0.1 Update that can be downloaded immediately and fixes a few glitches and bugs, making for a better performing app.

As before, iTunes 9 promises to be a nicer, increased performer, which consists of great new features that iTunes users will appreciate. Some of the noted additions are: new iTunes design, Genius Mixes, Social Media addition, Home Sharing and Syncs, High Efficiency Ripping and more.


iTunes 9.0.1 Updtaed Fixes:

– iTunes store incurred some browsing issues, which were resolved with the new 9.0.1 update.
– iTunes reportedly had more than a few complaints about being unresponsive or quitting unexpectedly, so the update fixed both.
– Podcast syncs with iPhone and iPod Touch were patched up.
– Zoom button now switches as well in mini player mode.
– Genius Mixes are automatically updated
– iPhone and iPod Touch syncs have been improved
– iTunes sorting of albums with multiple discs have been repaired.

Download iTunes 9.0.1 Via Apple

Via: TechTree