Halloween Dog Costumes, Hellboy iPhone Skins, Pumpkin Sculpting [Random Roundup]

It was a great week around the web, with many starting to get ready for Halloween and other interesting current events, cool gadgets, Pumpkin Carvings and much more important news.

This Random Roundup includes funny Halloween Dog Costumes, Hellboy iPhone Skins, Pumpkin Sculpting, Maria Shriver, great and cool iPhone Apps, Hockey Prodigy, Captain Lou Albano and more.

We hope you enjoy the weekend, the Random Roundup and continue to send us tips to contact@walyou.com.


funny halloween dog costumes


Update (For a Limited Time):

Win free tickets to London FREEZE 2009!

Posts from Around the Web:

1. FW: Why Dogs Don’t Like Halloween

2. Maria Shriver Busted for Using Cell Phone while Driving

3. Hellboy iPhone Skins

4. Is this the world’s coolest Star Wars collection? by Choo Woong

5. The Bicycle Thief Language!!!

6. Laptops fight back against netbooks but don’t trust the sales staff

7. R.I.P. Captain Lou Albano, 1933-2009

8. Auschwitz gets a Facebook page for itself

9. Nine-Year-Old Scores Greatest Goal in Hockey History

10. Use Your DNA as Your iPhone Wallpaper

11. iPhone FM radio app

12. Scott Cummins Doesn’t Carve Pumpkins, He Sculpts Them