Keystick Keyboard Looks More Like A Folding Stick

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With so many computer peripherals coming out everyday, it is really hard to find the one that is perfect in every sense, and same is the case with computer keyboards as well. Most of the portable keyboards that are out in the market either lack the presence of the traditional keys or they do not provide a folding option, but size does matter along with other features. The Keystick keyboard designed by Yoonsang Kim and Eunsung Park is a whole new concept in this era of cutting edge technology.

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The Keystick keyboard is a fully functional QWERTY device like any other traditional keyboard but with an outstanding feature of folding up like a Japanese fan or an accordion…similar in concept to the Rolltop Laptop. This indeed is a great concept of folding your keyboard to become a stick, which is easily transportable. Moreover, this folding keyboard is also a part of None Bacteria Project, which works to cut down the spread of infections. So, there’s hardly any chance of getting contaminated even if you share it.

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Looking similar to Apple’s Bluetooth Wireless keyboard, the Keystick keyboard is still in the concept phase, but it seems that this foldable keyboard is a wireless one that connects itself with any PC using an USB receiver. However, we can expect it to pass on to the manufacturing phase soon, as once out the Keystick foldable keyboard is surely to grab the entire computer market.

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Via: [OhGizmo]