Old Technology Meets Its Fate

old electronics broken

I don’t know anyone hasn’t wanted to take some quality explosives to their tech toys from time to time, and Jeremiahjw does just that in this utterly satisfying video seen below. Even better, it’s done in slow motion so you can fully appreciate the destruction nearly frame-by-frame. A gun, a hammer, and more wreck havoc on an old school PDA, Sony Walkman and film camera.

The best clip has to be of the Personal Digital Assistant first being shot execution style and then finished off with a hammer. Admittedly, I’ve wanted to do the same to my Droid or Google Calendar from time to time when they dare to remind me how busy my schedule is. Probably better to go back and watch the video than shorten my own technology’s lifespan. Though I might be willing to smash my Droid if it gives me an excuse to buy the delicious Motorola Shadow. YUM.


Back to older technology… my heart skipped a beat when the silver Sony Walkman (audiocassette version) appeared about ten seconds into the video clip. That Walkman was one of the first things I purchased with my own money when I was a kid, and it’s still floating around my parents’ house somewhere. Surprisingly, after years of road trips, backpacks and cheap batteries, it still works perfectly. The cassettes that go with it are another story. While I’ll probably never dedicate its destruction to a YouTube video, it is sometimes refreshing to go out with the old and in with the new when it comes to tech. If we all stayed sentimental, we’d still be carrying cell phones bigger than our heads and bragging about the high scores we’d made on our Atari systems.

To see more nostalgia blown to smithereens, be sure to check out “Blowing Up Mr Potato Head In Slow Motion” and “Blowing up Toy Cars in Slow Motion” by the same vlogger. While these are the only “Blowing Up” videos at the moment, Jeremiahjw promises to send more childhood memories to their demise soon.