“Froot” is the modern day juicer that has taken a lot of consideration for the elderly in it’s design; as we all know, the elderly section of our community usually leads a quite and peaceful life as compared to us, where we struggle for hours on a stretch they can stay back and relax for hours on a stretch, but life is not all that easy going for them, especially when it comes to coping up with the modern day tech that form an integral part of our lives.
Simple day-to-day devices have their minds spinning in confusion like the highly complicated modern juicer and mixer, these new kitchen gadgets are so sophisticated that even I refer to the user manual in order to extract something out of it!
Bram Van Krieken, a cool designer has given this current problem a thought and collaborated with Phillips in order to create a juicer that is simple to use and clean and which can become highly popular among the elderly people. By creating a series of simulations and observations on the elderly they came upon an idea and a concept that received the full support of the test subjects.
The design is simple to use as most of the extra components from a standard juicer have been stripped off and replaced with minimal components thus making it easier to clean as well! The small design and the hydraulic pressure-force system allows the user to operate it without even taking look at the manual!
You can also have a look at the cool Tea Infuser and the extravagant Top Gear Bottle Opener.