You Love Devices with an Antique Look? Go For the Victorian Laptop Mod

As all the geeks and gadget lovers are in love with every device that’s given a Steampunk look, then this concept is strictly made to suite your tastes. Victorian laptop concept, as it is tagged, is the most beautiful craftsmanship revealing the stylish looks and creative use of technology.Victorian Laptop

Unlike any other laptops, this one has a beautiful wooden box covering  by Jeremy Hopkin, with a Hewlett-Packard ZT1000 laptop with a 15? active matrix screen, while the keyboard and the touchpad are made of copper. Using the leftovers of all the clock pieces and broken or old watches, an antique key is created to switch on this device, just something that looks similar to the keys on a musical box.

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To make the usage easy, it also has a leather wrist pad and decorative gears with a glass top. Going for a retro look, this laptop’s speaker grills are crafted like the F-holes of a violin, that’s covered with a black cloth, behind which rests the main power switch in the center.

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Going towards the technical features, this laptop has the capacity of 512 MB ram, 40 GB HD, CD/DVD drive, while a copper button is used to open the optical drive. Thus, while the wooden box is closed, this masterpiece looks just like an antique with a classic look, and well, you can consider it as one given its steampunkish looks.

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For other such stylish laptop concepts, check out the Foldable Touch screen Laptop or the Wii Laptop Case Mod.

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