The iPad Bacon Case Is Hot Out Of The Grill!

So far the Apple iPad has received some mixed reactions, and if you missed it all then you are  probably sitting under some rock trying to cut off yourself from the world, but if you did catch up with all the action then you should probably know that the iPad has already hit the markets and so are the numerous iPad accessories. Now this particular accessory is quite popular among the crowd in both design and utility, the all time favorite Bacon Case, the case that has accompanied all the previous Apple gadgets as well.

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The iPad Bacon Case has been created by Antjes and sells for $59.00, which is probably quite meager for the folk that brought the Extravagant iPad. The bacon case look pretty cool and can make you salivate as well, also the prefect dimensions corresponding to the iPad make this case resemble a real bacon!


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You can also have a look at the other cool bacon themed stuff like the Bacon Wrist Watches that will make you hunger for more or the geeky Bacon Shoes that are really cool but not meant for consumption. iPad BAcon CAse3

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Thanks Jesse for the tip!