Apple Fan Builds a Cool Apple Store Diorama!

I guess Apple mania is getting out of hands with all the new inventions and super apple gadgets. But what are the Apple fans doing to prove justice to this Apple Mania besides buying gadgets? Well, one such fan shows his devotion with an Apple Store Diorama.Apple Store Diorama

Apple Store Diorama (2)

If you are tired to visit an Apple store to check out all the products, don’t worry any more, for you just need to peek into a shoebox now! You read it right. Gary Katz, the mastermind behind this Apple Store Diorama, is the man behind the scene, who actually created a minutely detailed Apple store in a regular Shoebox! It might sound impossible, but I am sure your definition of “Apple Fan” might change after watching this product.


Apple Store Diorama (3)

Apple Store Diorama (4)

So what do you get to see in this Apple Store Diorama? Well, the devices range from mini-computers, to various Apple accessories and posters. Little furniture concepts enhance the exact “store” look, and all these products in the shoebox are displayed using two iPhones to power the glowing  Apple logo and as a screen behind the bar. Agreed, this concept took loads of hard work and pain to make this detailed diorama, but its just one of its kind any one would have come across. It might take you back to your school days, where we used to make doll houses of min-homes!

Apple Store Diorama (5)

All Apple Fanboys should also check out the iPad Bacon Case and the many iPhone Cases we seen. For diorama fans, it is a must to have a close look at the extraordinary Star Wars Lego Diroama.

Via: Switched