Star Trek Pewter Mug Design Celebrates 25th Anniversary of Star Trek With Visual Symbolisms

Any design related to Star Trek has to be out of this world and inspirational for Star Trek series took the human imagination on an amazing voyage into space and time through different characters and their compulsions, eccentricities and challenging adventurous tales.  Here is an equally compelling Star Trek Pewter Mug Design to commemorate 25th anniversary of the series.

Star Trek Pewter Mug Design

The Star Trek Pewter Mug from Mattiene-Arienne has an amazing metallic look and visual symbols emblazoned on the surface convey the essence and power of the series which caught worldwide imagination of young and old. The Star Trek series and movies took us on an imaginative journey into the dark space and universe traversing across stars. The three panels here rightfully display the Starship Enterprise, Likeness of Captain Kirk and Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock and “Bones”.  The message ‘To Boldly Go’ is truly inspirational.


We need to celebrate and pay tribute to things which broadened our perspectives, thinking and Star Trek rightfully deserves a special mention for it marked  beginning of geek venture beyond imagination.  This Star Trek Pewter Mug design truly celebrates the spirit of Star Trek.

Take a look at other artistic and geeky odes to Star Trek – Star Trek LED Menorah Design and Animated Star Trek Lamp.