Pacman Bottle Opener Design

We have seen Pacman Hats, Arcade Games and a lot more items based on it but the latest nifty gadget called Unpackman will help you to perform something you do daily.


If you liked Clicker Universal Remote that is a remote with a bottle opener, the Top Gear Bottle Opener or USB Flash Drive to Pop Bottle Caps, you gonna love this too. Unpackman opens up the bottles for you and acts like a keychain along. I made Pizza today and just saw that my ketchup bottle was empty. I picked up the new bottle and realized that my bottle opener is lost. I saw something can be of help to me in such a case as I forget where I keep my things.


Unpackman bottle opener

Unpackman will not only let me show off my love for the game but will be always handy in the form of a keychain. Just have a look at the cute teeth of the Packman that help you to open up bottle. Ukrainian Studio Psyho has come up with this awesome design which is still a concept for now.


Via: Ufunk