Electronic Guitar Shirt

If you have always wanted a guitar but could not get one either due to space constraints or monetary ones, you need not fret anymore, as these newly introduced Electronic Guitar Shirts will help you fulfill your dream without really draining your pocket.


These shirts offer you a two-in-one solution, which can be actually worn. Since they come fitted with electronic as well as magnetic parts, you can play the instrument to your heart’s content.


It is interesting to note that these shirts do not store canned music but have the original notes stored in their memory, as in the normal guitar, which allows you to play the guitar and form your own music. The shirt costing $29.99 comes along with a mini amp device, which allows you to increase the volume up to 11. What’s more, you can even fiddle and modify the tone to suit your needs.

An interesting thing about these electronic guitar shirts is the fact that all the electronic components are removable. So, you can actually wash this shirt like your other clothes. No wonder that you will surely like to enjoy this new guitar experience by getting yourself one of these electronic guitar shirts.

Check out the Otamatone Electronic Instrument and the digital guitar, which are some other cool musical instruments.