Simple and Stylish ‘Direction’ Watch Design from Tokyoflash

Most often innovation in watch designs tends to make simple wrist watch more complicated with many additional features. Some are so complicated and geeky that it takes a while to figure out how to read time. Tokyoflash’s Direction watch design is very contemporary but simple and the entire concept is to present a stylish watch that does basic function of displaying Time and nothing more.

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Direction watch design has green LED lights on black background with silver casing and strap and it does look extremely modern and cryptic at first glance when LEDs are off. When switched on the top and bottom LED buttons flash six hours respectively and the entire middle display is for minutes.


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Modern life is hectic and busy and each minute is important so it does make sense to display minutes prominently. This digital watch is called ‘Direction’ because just like traditional watches time can be read correctly in one direction only and display is more like a scoreboard.

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This simple futuristic watch is still a design and one hopes it will be available in markets soon. If you are looking for more geeky and cryptic watches then you may like Koko Muo Watch or Radar Watch Design.

Via Tokyoflash