Tokyoflash Takes You on a Journey With the Roundtrip Watch

Tokyoflash is the king of whacky watches, and they’re ready to take you on an adventure that will “stimulate your mind and awaken your senses.” Are you ready to take the journey? Well then, pack your things, and grab this Round Trip watch!

The watch is made out of polished stainless steel, so that you’ll look “subtle and smart.” Well I don’t know about subtle, but anyone who can read this watch on a regular basis gets a smart point in my book. The LED display gets powered up when you tap the time display, sending all sorts of colors like blue, green, and orange flying over your watch cells. Even with the fancy exterior though, it actually looks strangely like a traditional clock. I should note that while this watch is called the round trip, I wouldn’t take it out over any rugged terrain. At roughly $170, maybe I’d wear it on a fancy occasion, or when I’m out with someone who can appreciate a ridiculous looking watch. Either way, I’d be terrified of breaking it.


See, the hours are located at the inner ring in orange, much like a regular old clock face. The minutes are displayed on the outer ring in blue, and they represent three minute intervals. The Green LEDs, on the other hand, represent two single minutes at the bottom of the display. If you’re not sure, here’s a handy dandy sample.

If the Round Trip isn’t your thing, not a big deal. Tokyoflash has tons of other designs to choose from, many of which you can find right here on Walyou. Take a look at this Accelerometer Water Watch, for example, or this badass Cobra Watch Design. I have to admit, these guys know their watches, and one of these days I’m gonna break down and buy one.

Via:  Tokyoflash