Versatile iPad Alarm Clock Dock: Now Wake Up to your Favorite Songs!

Bored of your old beeping alarm clock waking you up every morning? Well here’s an alarm clock spectacularly designed to wake you up from your dreams with soothing music.

This magnificent gizmo is actually an iPad docking station and along with possessing music-playing alarm clock powers, it performs a wide range of functions which seem far too cool for any docking station known to man.


An app lets users of this awesome dock wake up to the music that they love, at snooze intervals varying from 1 to 29 minutes, played through the docks built-in speakers. It does this along with performing a variety of other functions such as updating you with weather reports, giving you reminders of an important early morning meeting or a loved one’s birthday, and believe it or not it, also updates you with overnight reports from Facebook and Twitter. What makes this docking station even cooler is that even if the app isn’t running, the dock’s failover alarm clock makes sure that you are waken up on time!

In addition to all this, the dock also functions as a wireless speakerphone when paired with a Bluetooth enabled cellphone and if you’re irritated with entangling the wires of your iPhone, iPod, or iPad charger or if it’s too hard to look for in your pile of gadgets, this dock also paves the way for wireless charging.

This dock will transform your iPad into a versatile bedside alarm clock and is up for $199.95.

Have a look at the Apple Experience on Big Screen and Origami Sleeve for iPad.