Cool Spy Gadgets for the James Bond Within You

People keep developing and using cool new gadgets to spy on people. While this practice might offend some people, it is at the same time, fun and enjoyable for others. Spy Gadgets can be used to see what your 3 year old son is doing with the toys or to find the numbers your daughter calls frequently. Or maybe, you can become the next James Bond and save the world with these cool spy gadgets.

We have gathered a Cool Spy Gadgets list that can help you become the next James Bond. some of these are not too expensive, so they can also make great Christmas Gifts or Stocking Presents.

1 Zippo Style Digital Cigarette Lighter Camera

Spy Gadgets Cigarette Lighter Camera


Remember the Nightfire Game of James Bond that had an Camera built into a Cigarette Lighter? This is the same spy gadget but in the real world. The Cigarette lighter itself is not functional, but the Digital Camera built inside works like any other camera.

The Zippo Style Digital Cigarette Lighter Camera has 64 MB SDRAM memory that stores 104 images (standard 640×480 resolution) or 30 images (High 1280×960 resolution). The digital images can be easily downloaded to your computer using the USB cable. The Cool Gadget is available for $45 which is not too high for a 1.3 MP camera.

2 StarChase

Spy Gadgets GPS Tracker

Has any thief ever tried to snatch your valuables and got away in a car or Motor Bike? Now, if that happens you can track them down and find wherever they goes. All you need to do is to aim at any vehicle you need to track or follow and shoot it with GPS transmitter. The system uses a laser to aim at the back of a car, firing a GPS receiver, wireless transmitter, and battery in a little slug that sticks to the outside of the vehicle.

I think I saw it on McGuyver before, or was it the A-Team? Either way, a cool way to track someone. You can find this spygadget here.

3 Memo-Q Pen Recording Device

Spy Gadgets Recording Pen

Taking only spy shots isn’t enough, is it? We need to sometimes record conversations too. Memo-Q Pen Recording Device will not only let you record conversations, but it is also the World’s Smallest 7 Hour Voice Digital Pen Voice Recorder. The batteries give up enough juice for 10 Hours. The pen is charged using the USB port on your computer and take about four hours to charge fully. You can also use AAAA batteries if the device isn’t charged, which last approximately 10 hours during playback and 7 hours of record time.

This pen also allows you to transfer files easily using the USB port. Complete product specs can be found here.

4 Spy Camera Pen

A cool spy camera pen that makes it very easy to spy on girlfriends, co-workers and friends. This Christmas Gift is perfect for students, friends, and even adults and could make it very fun to spy in such a hidden way.

If you see it as an advantageous spy tool, you can get your own at their store.

5 Hollow Spy Coin


I know it can be easy to hide anything anywhere with a size as small as that of a coin. But wait, what if you were to be searched and someone found a microSD card containing private (adult or not) data? For that purpose this spy coin has been created.

This hollow nickel seen at Coolestgadgets can easily hold your microSD card and no one would even be suspicious that there can be anything inside a coin.

6 CSI Stick

Spy Gadgets CSI Stick

It might seem unbelievable, but there is actually a device that can copy anything that is stored on a Mobile phone. The CSI Stick allows law enforcement and anyone else to gather forensic grade information form a cell phone.For example, you can copy text messages, call logs, and phone books with the CSI Stick. It can also be used to copy the camera pictures and other media from your, or any other person’s mobile phone.

This Cool Spy Gadget includes the CSI Stick base unit, two Motorola tips, one Samsung tip, one remote charger, and a carrying case. The nice thing is that it is available to the public.


Spy Gadgets Combat

The Com-Bat is a six-inch robotic spy plane modeled after a bat and can send information like smell, sounds and photographs to its operator. COM-BAT looks like a is planned to have energy scavenging potential, so it could be powered by wind and solar energy.

8 Mind Molester and Sonic Nausea

Annoy neighbors, freinds or foes with the Mind Molester and Sonic Nausea. These Small spy gadgets can be yoru way of causing discomfort to individual without actual physical touch. Sounds a little evil? I guess it probably is.

9 Wi-Spy Spectrum Analyzer

Spy Gadgets Wi Fi Spy

Want to see and analyze any Wi-Fi networks in your neighboring areas? Here is a cool new spy gadget that will allow you to do just that. Wi-Spy is the world’s smallest 2.4 GHz spectrum analyzer, and has been designed specifically for troubleshooting and analyzing Wi-Fi networks. It shows the signal strength for all Wi-Fi networks as well as Bluetooth, 2.4 GHz cordless phones, microwaves, Zigbee, and all other 2.4 GHz transmitters. It is available at for all you spies out there.

10 Pocket-Sized Printer and Scanner

These spy printer and scanner could easily make James Bond happy. The scanner is about the sized of a pen, and the printer not much larger.

11 Pen to PC

With this Spy Pen, you can write regular notes on paper and transfer your writings to your PC. Even better, writings, notes, and a girl’s number can be transferred to the computer wirelessly using this Nokia Pen Bluetooth capabilities, so you won’t even need to carry an extra cable.

12 E-Stealth Bluetooth Mobile Phone Spy Software

Spy Gadgets Phone Spy

Have you ever wanted to know who the person sitting next to you is calling? what SMS does your Son recieve/send? or see the entire contact list of any passer-by? With the E-Stealth Bluetooth Mobile Phone Spy Software you can do all this and much more. The Ultimate Bluetooth Mobile Phone Spy Software Edition 2008 will work on all mobile devices that are Bluetooth enabled, which means it can Spy on Bluetooth Enabled Laptops as well. You just need to install the software on your Mobile Phone and get into the bluetooth range of the device you want to spy on, and startech surveillance. The software can be found at the product page.

13 BrickHouse Security Cell Phone Sim Card Spy

Spy Gadgets SIM Card Spy

If you want to have a back up of your SMS that you have been receiving on your mobile phone, on your PC, this spy gadget is what you need. The PC suites coming with almost all phones phones have a support for the Address Book and SMS back up feature but this SIM card spy does more than that. Now only it can be used for low end that usually support PC, but you can also use this Spy Gadget to find and read almost all the messages that have been deleted from your SIM. If backing up your text messages is important, you can find more information at the product page.

14 The Spy Kite

Spy Gadgets Spy Gadget

The Spy kite is a wind flyer that has a digital camera mounted on the frame and is capable of taking photographs from air. The Spy Kite is made up of fiber glass and comes with a wireless remote control that enables you to take photographs while your own feet are on the ground.

This spy gadget can take photographs from upto 80 feet above from ground. Find yours here.