Periodic Table of Elements Taxis and Buses are Making their Rounds

After being out of school for so many years, it is really fun to see that the Periodic Table of Elements is introduced in new and colorful ways with these Taxis and Buses that may actually make us want to learn those Element symbols by heart.

Here are gathered different images of the colorful Taxis taken by tourists, locals and anyone that appreciated such Science Presentation.

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periodic Table of elements bus 1


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periodic Table of elements bus 2


As ads for the Oxford Science Park, this Bus and Taxi provide some really creative and colorful ways that could excite or intrigue children and adults about the Periodic Table of Elements.

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I remember when I was in school, there were only a few of the first ones that I learned by heart, for it simply didn’t interest me much, and there was nothing really exciting in the presentation. At least with the colorful vehicles, they are not pasted with regular TV, Beauty products or boring Ads and actually have something you could learn from.

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For other cool Elements ideas, check out the Periodic Elements Jewlery for the Fashionable Geek, the Periodic Table of Elements Shower Curtain to study while in the shower and even a version for Gamers with the Gaming Characters Table.

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