2012 Space Invaders Alien Wall Calendar

We all know the apocalypse is just around the corner, so why not count down the days in style with this Space Invaders themed Alien Invaders 2012 wall calendar.

2012 alien invader calendar space invaders

Calendars aren’t just things that your parents keep on their fridge, filled with cheesy pictures of cats, dogs or the seasons. They can, in fact, be quite geeky and perfectly suited for the Atari fan in all of us. So stop cringing and get check out one calendar that is nothing to be ashamed of.


Considering that 2012 is supposed to be the year of the apocalypse, what better way to usher it in than with a wonderfully stylish 2012 Alien Invader calendar. Taking more than one queue from the Space Invaders games from the past, this awesome and colorful calendar features tons of pixelated aliens that let you count down the days.

alien invaders

According to our source, all you have to do to keep track of the days is arm yourself with a sharpie and mark off an alien every day. It’s not quite the same as popping in a quarter and frying some of the little buggers from your defences, but at least it’s a satisfying way to say goodbye to the last few days of the Mayan calendar.

While the calendar is unfortunately not very useful for telling you the exact date, or even the month, you can at least tell what day it is by checking the most recently marked off alien.

The wall calendar measures 11″ by 17″ and goes for $20 off a shop over good old Etsy.

Also, be sure to check out some awesome Dr. Seuss and DC mashups along with 10 things I learned from Peter Griffin.