Star Wars Death Star Trash Compactor & Jabba Palace Bookends

If you are a Star Wars fan, I am sure you would not be able to resist themed bookends depicting some of your favourite Star Wars scenes.

Especially if the scenes in question were that of Princess Leia’s garbage compactor rescue, as well as her attempt to save a carbonite frozen Han Solo from the alcove in Jabba the Hutt’s trophy room.


Thanks to the kind people at The Gentle Giant, you can now display your Star Wars Books and DVDs collection in style. How you use your collectible bookend set is completely up to you: Either by placing the two parts together to depict the entire scene as a stand alone unit, or each part at both ends of your book collection. Rest assured that no Bothans garbage squid or Tauntuan were harmed during the making of these bookends.

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The Death Star Trash Compactor Bookend set is made of high quality polystone, measuring 7.5 inches tall by 12 inches wide by 6 inches long. It is hand-painted and each limited edition collectible set comes with a matching certificate of authenticity. The scene depicts the team right after they jumped down a garbage shoot in an attempt to evade the Stormtroopers. The detail is so astonishing, you even catch a glimpse of the garbage squid that showed up before the wall began closing in! For only $189.99 you too can own this limited edition Death Star Trash Compactor bookend set, available from August 2010.

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Just like the Death Star Bookend set, the hand painted limited edition Jabba Palace set is made from polystone, measuring 9 inches tall by 14 inches wide by 6.5 inches long and comes with a certificate of authenticity. The pieces are also hand painted and numbered. It depicts Han Solo frozen in carbonite in Jabba’s Trophy room, as well as Princess Leia disguised as a bounty hunter, the Gammorean Guard, Boba Fett the bounty hunter and the trophy head of a Tauntuan. The Jabba Palace bookend set will be available from December 2010, for $249.99.

The Star Wars Bookend sets are heavy set, so regardless of how big your Book or DVD collection might be, you can be sure that the force will be able to withstand the pressure.

For other cool Star Wars stuff, check out the Star Wars Cereal Boxes or the Star Wars yoga.