Leave Messages Over the Cool Wiggle Board Coffee Table

cool coffee table to leave messages

Yes, it is a coffee table, and a mighty puzzling mosayk wiggle board coffee table that you are looking at for leaving messages and notes. The designer Dan Levin, was apparently inspired by the confusing movements through a city grid. I am sure he is talking about some Indian city.

Whatever the case maybe, I am truly amazed at the idea of having a table with a puzzle to solve and play around with while i am having my cup of coffee. It is always nice to have messages left in your name when you get home too…so this table serves the purpose that way too. It can also be a part of easy and fun learning for kids at home, to learn new words each day. Personally I love SCRABBLE so any word game is always welcome!


If you are looking to buy a coffee table then you should also take a look at the Color Changing Coffee Table and the Fender Electric Guitar Coffee table, you might find them interesting.