10 Awesome New Breakthrough Inventions Of 2017

It’s amazing how technology innovates every aspect of our lives. In today’s generation, most of us rely on technology with our daily routine. As the year passes by, the more advanced gadgets and technology ideas are being implemented and we can’t wait what the future has in store for us with all the possible innovation. As long as the technology is used the right way, it will constantly promote better lives.

As of 2017, there are various awesome new breakthrough inventions that are found to be extremely useful and beneficial. Read about them on the following:

1. Self-Driving Cars and Trucks

By 2021, CEO Mark Fields of Ford announced to produce a full-autonomous vehicle without brake pedal, gas pedal, no steering wheel or driver required.


As stated by Fields, “This is a transformational moment in our industry, and a transformational moment in our company, we will make people’s lives better by changing the way the world moves.” He added, “It’s now clear that the next decade will be defined by the autonomous vehicle.”


In addition, a $680 million self-driving truck called Otto was purchased in August 2016 by Uber. The automated truck is said to be an essential asset to Uber.

For more, these self-driving cars or trucks will feature health sensors. Telsa or Volvo will begin implementing health sensors as they believe that the car itself will be going to operate a point-of-care in the near future.

2. 3D Printing Available For All

Let’s take art to the next level. And that comes with looking at it on 3D, what’s more, you can print pictures from your smartphone via a wireless connection. This idea came from an aspiring company called Pocket maker who wants to change the traditional printer that comes with heavy features. It’s ideally made for both beginner and expert photographers.

3. Pay And Swipe Your Card? Nope, You Can Now Pay With Your Face


It has already been implemented in China wherein people can now authorize payments just by using face-detecting systems. These can be used to provide access to various facilities and to beneficially track down criminals as well. Even for the past years, it has been proven that computers and smartphones have been incredibly good at recognizing face features.

It’s certain that face recognition could transform everything in the future—from transportation services and the way people will interact with stores, banks, and other transactions.

4. Selfie At Its Finest—360 Degree Selfie!

Wherever we go, we think of taking good pictures, and this 360 Degrees Allie Camera can take you there—instead of taking part of the pictures, you’re now able to take the complete view of every nature, sky, and everything in a scene.

Allie Go Camera costs $500, and its battery costs for $60 available on the pack. The camera features 2-hours of recording time, along with a tripod mount for live streaming and recording. As stated by Dmitry Kozko, the President of Allie, “We are listening to our Allie community and their desire to have even more flexibility with how they take quality 360 videos and share it with family and friends, We are excited to offer our users richer, more valuable 360-degree experiences anywhere.”

5. Smart Home Tech and IoT

Indeed, there has been a big topic about the upcoming revolution of the Internet-of-Things or IOT which presents the intersection of gathering various data and leveraging it. It refers to the interaction of smart home technology for years.

With this, what could be the reason of not living in smart connected homes currently? It’s because of competitiveness—there are various of apps or individual appliances on the market that stands independently. Unfortunately, there are few solutions that tie everything together into a practical benefit method for a single user. With Amazon, Apple, and Google are getting involved, we are going to have to expect some major advancement.

6. A New Era In Health Care Specifically For Diabetes

In 2017, there will be a development of diabetes care and it will be a life-changing milestone in various patients’ lives. This strategy started due to the #wearenotwaiting movement for the implementation of the artificial pancreas on the competitive market.

It does not stop there, Google established a partnership with the Novartis, a pharmaceutical company, and patented an innovated digital contact lens used to measure blood glucose levels from tears. There are already spread rumors about being available for trials this year.

7. A New Solar Device

A new solar device to be implemented to create continuous and cheap power by converting heat to beams of light. The expensive and inefficient solar panels could be prevented with the use of this solar device which acts to absorb more than a fraction of heat or energy in sunlight. The key on creating this device was the development called absorber-emitter which acts as a light funnel above solar cells. Indeed, there are various new solar panels to come to market in 2017, and the best one is yet to come.

8. Advancement In Nutrigenomics

A service is being implemented in nutrigenomics to let you know what food you should eat and avoid at all cost. Nutrigenomics is a new cross-field combining nutrition science and genetics. The basic idea behind is that the valuable information of our organism’s needs is dictated. And to map out this data would be beneficial for everyone to live a long and lasting life.

After having one’s DNA sequenced, a smart app would then let you know what are the kind of foods essentially for you. With this, Habit actually has a plan to use genetic markers to determine the ideal meal for its customers, and deliver the meal directly to their doors.

9. Robotic Journalists And More Automation

We already have robotic journalists in circulation for years now, and it is expected that 2017 will have a potential landmark of what it means to live in automation. With advanced technology that enables to do human-exclusive tasks, no wonder everything can be innovated and improved faster. Especially when machine learning is combined with automation which is also being implemented.

10. Cures For Ageing

It’s a whole new era in health intelligence, the ability to rediscover the goal of making aging a chronic condition. Human Longevity Inc. has collaborated with Cleveland Clinic to join forces for human genomics research.

In addition, Google has taken a step as well. Google joined forces with Calico in healthcare to look for possible “cures” for aging, and specifically everything that might lead to death. To accelerate the discovery and commercialization of new therapies, it works together with pharma giant Abbvie.

For more, Watson has been searching advancement on the use in cancer and cardiology care. IBM has been innovating and developing its artificial intelligence program. There has been a harsh race among aspiring companies regarding digital technological development, and its results are already tangible in healthcare and medicine as well.