Nightmare Before Christmas Yahtzee Scares Up Competition

This fancy Yahtzee set is available Just in time for Halloween (or Christmas) Things You Never Knew is offering this unique Yahtzee set, based on the Nightmare Before Christmas.  If you ever needed an excuse to scare up a game of Yahtzee, this is your chance.  And really, what are you waiting for?

This is a travel-sized Yahtzee set that comes with customized dice and a shaker-cup that’s shaped like Jack Skellington’s head.  That’s right, you can roll the dice straight out of the Pumpkin King’s head.  Mr Skellington’s head also serves as a storage device for all of the game’s components.  Not to be overlooked, other infamous characters are featured on the special dice.  Expect to see the Mayor, Oogie Boogie, Sally and, of course, Jack.


I can practically hear Oogie Boogie’s song in the background, and wish that the soundtrack came with this set – since it would add an extra level of flavor to the game.  All the regular rules apply, as you shake Jack up and roll for high scores.  Challenge your favorite ghouls and goblins to this special edition – which is suited for players over eight years old.  And, the price won’t cost you an arm and a leg (either yours or someone else’s), at $19.98 you might want to nab a few.  The folks at Things You Never Knew Existed have brought you something phenomenal.

If you’re as much of a Nightmare Before Christmas fan as I am, you might be interested in this nightmarishly cool clock.  Or, if you’re really more interested in unique Yahtzee games, you might want to check out this Super Mario Brothers themed game.

Heck, even if you can’t get your hands on the soundtrack, you might consider these lyrics from the Oogie Boogie song, which seem oh-so-appropriate: Oh, the sound of rollin’ dice to me is music in the air ‘Cause I’m a gamblin’ Boogie Man although I don’t play fair.”  Let’s just hope that whoever you play does play fair. But, if all else fails, enjoy the sound of rollin’ dice.