Amazon, Twitter and the #AmazonCart Hashtag or How to Shop Like a Boss

The newly-announced deal between the Seattle e-tailer and the microblogging service enables people to add products to their Amazon cart without even leaving Twitter, simply by using the #AmazonCart hashtag.

Amazon is a supporter of the idea that the way we shop needs to change. To the world’s largest retailer, it doesn’t matter what we buy, but how we buy it, and the company is looking to create a new, unique methods. When people think of drones that do deliveries or Twitter hashtags that transfer products into their carts automatically, they need to have a single brand in mind: Amazon.


This might actually be the way to shop in the 21st century. Sooner or later, social media needed to become a part of the shopping experience, so kudos to Amazon for having thought of innovating the whole thing.

According to an Amazon spokesperson, Twitter does not have any financial benefits from this deal, but no other details were given on this matter. The same spokesperson expressed Amazon’s openness regarding social networks, as well as the company’s preferences: “We are certainly open to working with other social networks. Twitter in particular offers a great environment for our customers to discover product recommendations from artists, experts, brands and friends.”

As seen in the above picture, the entire process is rather simple. Supposing people stumble upon a tweet in which a product sold on Amazon is referred. All they need to do is add the #AmazonCart hashtag in the retweet, and the product is added automatically to their cart on the e-tailer’s site.

Of course, to be able to do this, you will have to check the Social Settings on the e-tailer’s website, so that Amazon can associate your Twitter account to your cart when it detects the #AmazonCart hashtag in your tweets.

Given the differences between British and American English, Amazon had to think of a different hashtag for its customers from the UK, and this is how #AmazonBasket was born. Britons can start using this hashtag on Twitter as of today.

How often do we stumble upon an intriguing product, but we forget to add it to the cart and eventually it disappears from our minds without a trace? Out of sight, out of mind seemed to be the best expression to characterize such situations, but with the introduction of the #AmazonCart hashtag, that will no longer be the case.

Be social! Follow Walyou on Facebook and Twitter, and read more related stories about Twitter’s Mute button, and the way Amazon Dash and AmazonFresh will change grocery shopping.