Apple Rolls Out Updated Maps Application in the US

Apple Map update

Apple has just started to roll out its revamped and updated Maps application to users. The new Apple Maps app comes with updated content pertaining to Central and Southeastern regions of the US. In addition, Apple Maps also comes with new content related to Alaska. The updated Maps contains detailed geographical data, specific information about roads, parks, parking lots, buildings, pedestrian ways and water bodies.

One of the most important technologies that we use today is GPS-enabled maps. Without maps, driving or navigating through even known terrains can seem difficult. Such is our dependence on technology lately. Yet, it is important to note that Apple’s way of collecting maps-related information is drastically different from the way its competitors such as Google handle maps data.

Why does Apple take long time to update its Maps application?

The updated features are likely to give Google Maps a run for its money. It should be noted that Apple Maps has often been criticized for not having extensive content like Google Maps. Partly why Google Maps wins out is because much of the information is crowd sourced. In case of Apple, there is a lot of verification that takes place, leading to delays. Nevertheless, organizations and individuals that seek a more verifiable and reliable Maps data might want to look into Apple Maps.

Apple relies on its own LIDAR sensor-equipped vehicles with cameras that collect data about geographical locations. The company has been gathering data for a very long time now and as this information is not crowd sourced, the reliability is much higher. Every American customer will soon receive these updates and will have access to more reliable Maps in the coming months.

The update may come to a location close to you sometime soon

It should be noted that Apple almost covers all of the US now, and only the most remote regions are not yet covered. In such places, Google Maps may be a better option, though the distance and specific information may sometimes be questionable. Apple will start rolling out its updated Maps application in other countries too. However, this mat take a while and may only happen during the second half of the year.