Anaconda Snake as a Power Generator


The Anaconda Snake is mostly known from horror stories or bad Hollywood movies, but in this case, it may actually generate enough power to provide electricity to our homes. We have heard of different alternative such as solar or wind powered generators, but the Anaconda creation uses water. In addition, it won’t be needing energy in order to produce energy but will harness the ocean’s power instead.

This Snake like device, known as the Anaconda will be positioned beneath the water’s surface. The movements of the Earth, Sun and Moon provide different effects to the world’s oceans and tides, and this is what I would basically call “free movement”. In other words, energy is being created naturally and is ready for the picking – that is where our Anaconda comes in.


The Anaconda is basically a rubber tube that will feel, move and hone the energy produced by various movements of the ocean in order to generate electricity. In the beginning, the tube used will be approximately .25-.5 meters in diameter, and if the experiment works as planned, can eventually be made to be as large as 7 meters in diameter with a length of up to two football fields. Just imagine how much energy that could potentially bring in.

So in these circumstances, an Anaconda shouldn’t be feared but appreciated.

The Anaconda project is created by Checkmate Seaenergy, which provide further explanations, pictures, and video.

Via: Gearlog