How To Make A Cassette Tape Closet

This Cassette Tape Closet design is just one of the coolest things I have ever seen! Although it isn’t a true DIY or How To tutorial, the images show how we can use our old Cassette Tapes which are practically obsolete and implement them in an amazing closet design.


I used to have so many Cassettes and Tapes back in the day, which used to live on the floor of my old car. Although I don’t think I would ever listen to Cassettes again, I cannot seem to throw them all away.

This new closet design is a wonderful way to use all those old Cassette Tapes, display you love for the different musical artists (or self-help gurus), and have a practical closet in your daily life.

What can we say? People may have moved on from Cassettes but cannot completely let go. We have seen recent uses of them in this design, the Fake Car Stereo, and the USB Cassette Tape Mix. Cassettes just won’t die!

Via: DesignBoom and Gizmodo