USB Digital Endoscope Gadget: Handy PC Tool

While the medical endoscope checks out your body, the USB Digital Endoscope Gadget is tailor-made to explore the depths of your PC.


Perhaps, you want to fix your laptop, but you don’t know what you’re looking for – the USB endoscope gadget can help. It sounds weird that you would use an endoscope to repair anything but your intestines, but the concept is similar if you consider the PC or a similar machine to be anthropomorphic.

The USB digital endoscope has a 40X microscope. It comes equipped with LEDs so that you will see what you need to see behind the curtains, so to speak. The light on the LEDs may be adjusted to suit your visibility preferences.

Among the primary features on the USB endoscope: This machine will allow you to reach places where you need to reach, when you need to – strictly talking about computers, of course. Additionally, with the LED around the USB endoscope, you can repair or look at your PC in the dark, i.e. when you’re out of a power source.

Another nice thing about the USB endoscope – it’s easy to install. And even better – it doesn’t need a driver for Windows 2000, XP or Vista. If you’re planning on using this with Unix, Linux there is no info out on this. So, buy it at your own risk if you’re using those two OS versions.

With a 40X microscope function, the endoscope instrument is sufficient to check a small soldering or a transistor in a PCB. And an ON/OFF switch controls the LED so that it can light up gradually and you can adjust its brightness level. The stick of the endoscope is 2 feet long – that is about 63 cm, while the cable (that’s what gets put into your thoracic cavity in a corresponding medical device) is 32 inches, which is approximately 2 feet 8 inches, the equivalent of 80cm.

This utensil can come in handy if you want to see around a corner or get a direct view at a feature in a gap.

Incidentally, this gadget can also be used in workshops, laboratories, for industrial inspection, in science education, forensics, printing, textile industry, and printed circuit board (PCB) inspection. The USB digital endoscope may also be of used by jewelers, hobbyists, tinkerers, and in crime scene investigating, medical studies (not to be substituted for the medical endoscope!), serial number identification, quality control, and assembling parts.

This item sells for $139.99 and would make a nice gift item for Christmas.

The specs for this device are the following:

Videography: High Compression
Light Sources::ED illumination (USB interface)
Focusing: manual focusing
Max size: 15mm (diameter) x 700mm
Interface: USB 2.0

If this new gadget is a little too much like a medical device, you could always try the USB Microscope DIY.

Source: usbfever