There are times when you would get tired of all those boring smiling pictures that you and your friends would put up on Facebook. It just gets too monotonous! Well, you do not have to fret anymore and here is a novel way where you could make your picture appear to popup in your profile.
It doesn’t take a great Photoshop pro to get this don, and you could do it yourself. All you would need to make your profile picture a little funky is gather a camera or a picture which you already have, image editing software like Photoshop or GIMP or even Paint, and of course, the attached picture.
However, the success of your profile picture popping out depends on how you take the image in the first place. You would need to pick a picture that makes you look like you are peeking out from the white part, so as to match Facebook interface. If you can’t figure how to do it, just get a white cardboard and get your photo clicked. You can now use one of the image editing software mentioned above and cut out your face and hands, and discard all the background.
Now you would need to paste your picture on the background image above and make sure you do not alter the image size as it would look weird on Facebook. Once you have pasted your cut-out picture on the background, you would have a seamless transparent image that would make your profile look totally cool.
Facebook may change its interface often, and make your new Popup Profile Picture look weirder than hell, but Max at Instructables promises to update the background image according to the changes made to the Interface of Facebook. Meanwhile, you could learn How to Make Your Facebook Profile Picture Bigger and look outstanding, literally, do the Facebook prank of the ugliest profile or even make your own set of Facebook Business Cards.