This past week was exciting with many new gadgets, E3 conference and additional fun stuff that are worth sharing with the rest of the readers. The Walyou roundup consists of Dexter bobblehead toy, Tetris tattoo, NES mod shoe, Super Mario corset, PSP Go images, Project Natal announcement and other interesting posts.
If you come across cool and interesting stories, gadgets, designs and jokes, please make sure to send the tips over to [email protected].
Have a great weekend and enjoy the Roundup!
Cool Walyou posts you shouldn’t miss:
3. Super Mario Brothers Corset
4. PSP Go
Great posts from around the Web:
2. DIY Color Your Own Eco Friendly Cardboard Speakers
3. Last Shot – Zombie Little Pony
5. Blade Covered Baby Equipment: Perfect Shower Gifts for the Antichrist
6. 15 Greatest Sports Cheats of All Time
7. Twinjuries – The Hazards of Twittering 24/7