Objet Unveils Connex350 3D Printer


Objet Geometries Ltd., has just introduced the groundbreaking Connex350 3D printer which includes the system jets multiple model materials at the same time and also comes with the unique ability of printing parts made of different model materials and physical properties in just one single place.

It offers very close simulation of end products with the help of multi-material parts and mixed tray. It supports FullCure® and composite materials like photopolymer model and provides exceptional quality and features which are quite ahead of our times.


You could easily use this high technology printer in an office environment. The printing even depends on your creativity and you could choose varied material properties and tones. Objet assures outstanding quality and accuracy for its consumers and the way the printer seems, I am sure it would be a great hit not only at offices but also large organizations. You could use this printer with Windows XP and Vista.

This isn’t your regular matrix which you usually find in offices but something a lot more advanced and high tech. At about 500kg, the printer is one hell of a machine that is worth its weight in gold. The machine also comes with CADMatrix Add-in which helps the user to control 3D model validation in a better way. If you would like to know more about the product, you should contact Objet Geometries Ltd. Meanwhile…take a look at the gallery and video.