Cuddly and Geeky Star Wars Golf Club Covers Make You Stand Out

star wars yoda gold club cover

I am not a professional golfer like Tiger Woods, but even I sometimes dream of standing out in the crowd while playing golf with my friends and these cuddly Star Wars golf club covers surely help me in the process. Imagine Yoda watching over you as you take your position for the perfect putt, or Darth Vader’s sheer presence making your rivals tremble with fear and with Chewbacca club cover on, no one will even dare to come anywhere close to your precious possession.

star wars chewbacca golf club coverEach of them, no matter whether you are a golfer or not, is a must have if you are a Star Wars buff and aim to house a Star Wars collection. Each piece of this franchise can be brought separately where the price for the Darth Golf Club is $25, Chewbacca is only $20 and Yoda is $25.


star wars darth vader gold club coverIf you are a Star Wars buff and a stern supporter of Darth and his gang of mischief makers, then you can take a look at these Darth Vader stuff that will awe you and if you support The Republic, then you can take a look at this Clone Trooper Helmet, which will further increase your loyalty towards the good by making you sound like a clone.