Usain Bolt World Record, Cool Alarm Clocks, the Best of Yoshi [Random Roundup]

Once again we have arrived to the weekend and have gathered a great Random Roundup with a lot of cool and fun posts to take your boredom away. This week’s Roundup includes: Cool Alarm Clock, the Bat Cave, iPhone Dock, Mona Lisa, Yoshi, Gears of War and much more great posts.

yoshi wii mod

Any tips and ideas can be sent to us at and meanwhile…enjoy the Roundup and have a great Weekend!


Cool Posts from Around the Web:

Usain Bolt Breaks World Record for 100m and 200m:

Usain Bolt 19.19 200 Meters:

Usain Bolt 9.58 100 Meters

1. The Hipster Douchebag Soundboard

2. 5 Films that Inspired ‘Inglourious Basterds’

3. Anger Management Set

4. 17 Weirdest and Coolest Alarm Clocks to Wake Up To

5. These People Exist

6. Yoshi Must Be the Coolest Super Mario Brothers Character Ever

7. The Ambulator – GPS Equipped Shoes

8. Paranoia Alert – Scienece Proves Zombies Will Kill Us All

9. Bat Cave Home Cinema

10. Nuts and Bolts iPhone Dock

11. Animated Mona Lisa Watches You In Interactive Chinese Exhibit

12.  Gears of War Themed My Little Pony