There was a time when chatting was all about logging into one of those yahoo chat rooms or trying out various rooms on MIRC enabled rooms, and we have come a long way from then, moving on to an era which is dominated by social networking and social media. With most social network sites emphasizing on the need for comments, interactions between known friends and those with similar tastes, chatting with strangers had taken a backseat.
Here is a cool new website called the AnybodyOutThere, which is being touted as a new communication platform to provide users with instant and relevant response to their thoughts and questions. The site connects the user to people with similar states of mind, and not similar tastes in life. For example, when you are feeling down in the dumps, all you would need to do is, just say that in the text box and their secret software brings the most relevant people to chat with.
Thanks to their secret algorithm, you would no longer have to search for an interesting mate in crowded chat rooms. There also would be no more pointless conversations which start with “asl”. All you would need to do is type what is on your mind and get a person with similar ideas and taste right on your screen. Just like most modern websites, AnybodyOutThere comes with an easy to use interface and looks very simple and clean.
The new chat service might actually change the way we communicate, but its success depends on how well the site can attract users. When I tried using the site, and typed “Tonight is boring” there really were a few relevant chat requests, and not too many! So, it does work and is quite fun too, as you would get to speak to people who closely match your state of mind. It just might not be yet-another-social-network on the scene! AnybodyOutThere might just bring back the craze of chatting online back again! Or better still, is it going to be the next Twitter?
For other fun chatting platforms, check out 6Rounds as a real time meeting point, Gmail Voice and Video Chat or Pidgin for aggregating your chat services.