Jules Laptop Decals Keep Bad Eyes Away

jules pulp fiction laptop decals

Give your laptop a mean look with this Jules Winnfield notebook decal, for the expletive-hurling, gun-totting hitman from Quentin Tarantino’s evergreen classic – Pulp Fiction – will now adorn your desktop. The most interesting part – he will wear pink hues to complement the comical wig that he is seen sporting in the movie to create a near-caricature of a role. Get a Jules decal and you can be sure that there will be not a single stare directed your way or towards your laptop – though the lack of ogling eyes might probably take some sheen off your coveted notebook.

Similar to the awesome Snow White Laptop Decals, the Jules Winnfield decal is 8 inches in height and 6 inches in width. Vinylville mentions it is compatible with three different notebook options – 13”, 15” and 17” screens. Designed for any laptop surface, these decals latch on to flat surfaces and at the same time, can be removed without leaving any ugly traces of residue. The decals can also be used as a decorative item for other products, in addition to laptops. Mean though he is, a pink Jules certainly doesn’t turn you off; In fact, this is one of the easiest ways to make sure you are the talk of the town. The pack also comes with instructions on usage.


cool pulp fiction jules laptop decals