Magnetic Dice Rubik’s Cube for a Cool Alternative

rubik's cube dice

Here is a cool way to see and play with the Rubik’s Cube, which has been built using red dice, making it a little less colorful but still as challenging.

There are many Rubik’s Cube fans Worldwide but although we cannot deny the power and hypnotizing effect of the colorful cube, a different look would be a great and refreshing alternative, as done in this version or the Rubik’s Cube Sandwich.


Similar to the Magnetic Rubik’s Cube we seen before, this is also a homemade Magnetic creation but which uses Red Dice instead of clear squares. The result is amazing and still makes all sides different and leaves a clear solution to be reached. The Paper Rubik’s Cube on the other hand was a great creation, but without using color paper or some kind of symbols, it is not in fact the puzzle but simply a cube with twisting sides.

For Rubik’s Cube fans, this is another awesome way to play the famous puzzle game.

Via: Giant Battling Robots