Comic Characters on Paper Lunch Bags Make Attending School Everyday Much More Interesting

ryu lunch bag art

super mario bros lunch bag art

thunderbirds lunch bag art


I am sure most of us only remember desperately waiting for our lunch breaks during our years at school, as kids always find it fun to carry the most colorful or cute looking lunch boxes to school and they would love to show them off to their friends. Here is a unique idea of a lunch bag applied by a very affectionate father for his kids, who would definitely have appreciated the effort and loved the idea.

he man lunch bag art


supergirl lunch bag art

These arty lunch bags would definitely have the kids longing to take these bags to school, it is also a good way to get them to eat well, if they are poor eaters. Take a look at some of these bags from Weirdcoolpictures and you may be inspired like the Comic Book Picasso Superhero images we seen before.

hello kitty lunch bag art

yellow submarine lunch bag art


Whether it be to get out of class, or to eat something yummy from the lunch box, when the wait is finally over, we would rush to eat from our lunch box and of course share our friends good food too. And to have a different comic character on your lunch box waiting for you everyday is just too cool for a kid. These bags display different characters for girls and boys like He-Man, Hello Kitty, Little Miss Bossy, Super Mario etc. Such ideas inspire kids, to eat, appreciate their parents and also to be creative themselves. What a way to teach kids so many things at the same time.

If you like this, you can also check out the Goldfish Trash Bags Design and the iSpy Nintendo Game Bag.