Gifts Project: Social Networking App for Buying Gifts!

Most of the times when there is an occasion like an anniversary or a birthday, we tend to worry ourselves sick to blue in the face until we can decide what to buy as a gift. Moreover, the ideal gift could be atrociously expensive. Most of have already tried chipping in for gifts, to buy the more expensive stuff.

Considering how convenient it is to chip in, here is a cool online app called the Gifts Project, which allows you to give and receive real group gifts. This cool social application allows you to invite friends to chip in, collect contributions and also keep track of funding.


Gift Project’s Beta version has been launched on Facebook and this could help you buy that amazing gift for your friend which you always found expensive! So go ahead, and invite all your friends to chip in for that special gift for that special person! Sounds real fun to me! You could also check out other gift guides that we had written for Christmas, for both men and women.

Gifts Project App